Lost Canyon
just about to leave for lost canyon, i'll be headed to arizona in just a few hours. Joy. I'm so excited. Just thought I'd say au revoir. That means good by in french. So ya, au revoir, byby, adios, aloha. That all means good by in other randoom languages, so yep.

Hey, havn't posted in awile. Guess it's due to my busy social life, NOT. Just due to lot's of hmwk and chores. Second white out of the year down here in j-hole. skipping the second half of school tomarrow to go skiing. We had to drive home from young life in this weather. yucky. I couldn't see a thing. I got a bunch of new music on my i-pod this week. My birthday is on saturday. I'm just guna celabrate with my cusins Teal and Tracey, and my buddy Ryder. I'll try and find time to put some post on here on how that goes. It has snowed about a foot in the last five hours. More to come tonight. Mom doesn't want Ryder to sleep over again like he and i do on each others birthday. Must have something to do with age. Lol. I conviced her though that Tracey and Teal would be sleeping in the same room to, and that Ryder and I are not friends like "that". My crazy mom. Lifes good other wise. Peace out.
Just Life
The Ranch
The Host
I may have just finished one of the most amazing books ever written. I am growing to fond of Stephanie Meyer. The Host was even better than The Giver. It was written and composed better than the Twilight Saga. I am sincerely hoping that she writes a sequel. Melanie Stryder and Wanderer are characters written with beautiful chemistry. I love the connected love circle of Jared, Melanie, Wanderer, and Ian. Few writers have such talent to make someone laugh at one chapter, and cry all over the next. I don't want to put any spoilers in here for any one. I will make this very clear - READ THE DANG BOOK. It will save any one's bad day. Books are a escape from life so that you can worry about the worse problems facing a fictional character. I very much hope to see what happens to the human race, if Stephanie writes a sequel.
Young Life
Okay. This is a national religious group. I went on a ski trip this past weekend, and to a young life meeting last night. It's really fun. It isn't one of those overly religious groups at all. We spent all weekend skiing and hanging out at the Teton Tepee. Last night we chowed down on gummy worms, gummy bears, and gummy fish. We mostly listened to music - any good music we wanted to listen to(without curse words). I had a ton of fun. We talked about young life camp and reserving a spot on the bus. They showed us a awesome video of the high school camp. I can go to the high school camp this summer because next year (though it may be hard to believe) I will be in high school. It's actually the end of this year.
Mr. President Obama
As a child in the united states I am proud and excited that today I watched the presidential inauguration. Mr. Obama made a very good speech. I am watching him on the t.v. right now, he is in his limo and is probably relieved to finally have a break. I wonder if at some point he will get out and walk like past presidents. The praid is supposed to have a 13 thousand praid particapants.
Wow, study for math children, it could help you get out of math.
The reason I am posting on such a odd topic is because my pre-algebra teacher has just excused me from math to do something on the computer, other than myspace. Myspace is not aloud at my school. The reason she has excused me from math is because I solved a algebraic fraction problem correctly. She put two different problems on the board for the class to solve, and said that who ever got it right first could spend the rest of class on the computer. No one else got it right. :) I studied last night from my moms college algebra book. I did this because I really didn't have anything else to do. Therefor boredom deflected worse boredom (Aka, I was bored then, but math can be worse.) I actually really like math.
Snow Plow
I learned how to drive a snow plow today. It was very slow. It was awesome, but slow. I found out that the two pedals on the floor are left and right. Not stop and break. I got to turn it on and off and plow some snow. I also hauled allot of hay today. We hauled some to the barn yesterday, that wasn't ours. So we had to take it back to the hay stack. Of course I got to ride on the back of the truck. Jenny had her legs hanging off the tail gait, and it was so bumpy I thought she would fall off. I actually was the one who fell off in the end, naturally of course. I learned where the trash room was beside the lodge. I cleaned the house allot. Since about 3 we've had a working fridge and a washer and dryer. Clean clothes, ya. Ranch life.
My sister Mary
We got my dad a puppy. Yah. We gave it to him today, before christmas. It was to much of a secrit to keep. She is so adorable. Blue heeler, border collie. He loves her, of course. She doesn;'t have a name yet. That'll be dads job. I'll get some pictures on here as soon as my coumputer stops being gay. She is such a sweet heart. Kid's get the potty patrol of course. But I have to stay up and write any way. Fun. Love yall.
Where oh where will will we put the christmas tree.


I have one of those dog's. "Please control your dog ma'am." She doesn't jump up on people luckly. She does the folowing:
- Chase cars- Tonka follows cars out of the drive way. She bites at the weels of bikes 4-weelers and cars. She jumps in the back of any truck that her owners get in. She is that one stupid dog you almost hit on the highway in Wilson.
- Chase live stock- Tonka loves other animals. So much that she try's to herd other dogs, and sheep, and goats, and horses, and donkys, and lamhas. She chases birds and cats. She is the neghbors nemasis.
- Bites- She bites the pizza guy, she bites traceys frieneds (who are up to no good any way), she bites other dog's of course, she bites me.
- Barks- She is a dog she doesn't meow. She barks at cars and dogs and birds and people and any thing that moves.
- Plays- Tonka loves to make new friends. She is the dog who is sniffing your dogs butt as you try and walk it. She is the dog who stoll your dogs tennis ball. She is a nuisance to all living kind.
This dog is The most amazing thing on earth. I love her so much that if you hurt her I would hurt you, unless she was hurting you or you animal.
CSI - my fave T.V. show

Ok I love CSI. CSI Miami is my fave. David Caruso is great as Horatio Caine. CSI New York is never on my t.v. any more. Very Frustrating? Not realy. Probibly because I don't ever watch it. Miami is always on though. I usualy watch the original. That is set in Las Vegas. Lot's of muder on the strip. My dad is anti CSI because he has a mental isue. If he doesn't like something it shouldn't exist. Very closed minded.
Snow, winter has arived

Ok. So the Twilight saga is very adicting. It is making me have wiered dreams because I can not stop thinking about it. I had a dream last night that I was a vampire in a vampire clan and I was throughing tree's at the Vulturi, (Vampire Goverment-who no one likes). Wow. If I could live in a world with vampires. My mother often yells at me about how I never do anything any more i'm always hiding in a book or the computer. Or my CD player, soon to be replaced hopefully- because it is christmas month. I do like the world of Stephanie meyer better than my own.
Cereal Thiefs
4-H stear
Big Move
I'm moving. Yay. I'm moving to fish creek ranch. That's about a half mile down Fall Creek Road in Wilson. Right now were still fixing up the main house. Dad's going to be the ranch manager. We are keeping our house and renting it out. We have a strip of Fish Creek. It is perfect for tubing, two feet deep, slow current, warm enough in the summer. I am very excited. We get to cleen cabin's since it's a guest ranch. That's like the only downer. I realy don't mind.
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